
How can construction sites all around Finland be visited remotely?

During the past months, construction management around Finland have had the same problem: how to make it possible for people to visit the construction site without the need to come physically to the site. Together with partners eSite has brought a solution to this problem. Our eSiteview solution: Makes remote visits possible – from laptops […]

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Three reasons why we digitize a power plant in one day

Just a year ago, full size plan digitization projects were reserved for the front-runner companies, that had the vision and will to make digital plants a competitive edge for them. Nowadays, however, COVID-19 has forced production plant owners to take measures to ensure critical operations, even when support staff and external contractors cannot visit the […]

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Visiting industrial sites remotely is faster and easier than ever!

Together with partners, eSite rolls out a new service concept to digitize industrial plants and construction sites faster and easier than ever before. The new concept is created to digitize sites with a new 10X factor and is already available all-around in Finland. During times when travelling to a site is not the best option, eSite digitizes industrial plants, and construction […]

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Fortum eSite ja turvallisuus

Historiaa Fortumin ydinvoimapalveluliiketoiminnassa aloitettiin viime vuosikymmenen puolivälissä järjestelmällisesti kokeilemaan uusia menetelmiä ja työkaluja turvallisuustyön ja muiden työtapojen kehittämiseksi. Kymmenien kokeilujen joukkoon on mahtunut upeita onnistumisia. Matkan varrella on ratkaisujen helmiä kyselty runsaasti muualle teollisuuteen. Syntyi idea erillisen yksikön perustamisesta. Vuoden 2019 alkupuolelta lähtien eSite-yksikkö on toiminut Fortum Power and Heat Oy:n lipun alla. eSite:n kompassi […]

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When visiting your plant is not an option, Industrial VR and IoT offer proven solutions for keeping production ongoing

During the IoT seminar in March 2020, eSite took up conversations about remote working possibilities with new industrial VR and IoT solutions. Sadly, the timing was very relevant and today concrete solutions are implemented to give staff the chance to visit plants remotely and provide remote support to plant operations and maintenance. The theme of […]

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Converting VR hype into operational excellence – how is it done?

The future ways of working are something we all want to reach to make our work as outstanding as possible. However, the technologies from that very future already exist – it is up to us to integrate them into real solutions and to understand what their real worth is. In 2015, tens of new ideas […]

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