We are happy to announce that since September 2021 eSite will operate under Dovre Group, a publicly listed, international service company. Dovre delivers high value project management, management consulting and project personnel services.

This is great news for our Clients and Partners as we can operate even more internationally and we can provide a wider spread of industrial services for projects, engineering, plant outages and plant operations. “During the past 18 months our industrial clients and their subcontractors have actively used eSite‘s reality capture to visit their industrial plants and construction sites remotely without the need to travel. By joining Dovre Group we will be able to serve our clients even better and grow our offering internationally”, says Miko Olkkonen, VP Dovre Finland.
eSite = Remote Visits + Accurate 3D + Secure Communication
Dovre = Project Personnel + Project Management + Consulting
Dovre + eSite = better projects and improved operational excellence!